If you could be any animal, what would you be?



I made a background!~ I am just messing around with it rn to test if the pattern flows well, but I plan to tweak it soon and give it some detail.


I'm using codecamp now, which I feel like is actually gonna help me so much in learning. I've been really slacking on my hobby stuff lately but I am back to it.

Computer man
Just as a way of measuring progress, this month Ive learned: Look at this witchcraft I've learned (which AI could totally do for me in like 2 seconds, but in the spirit of learning, I'm happy about):

oh myy gooooddd woooooww

and get this

I can add stripes~

...But Idk how to orient the text so that its not awkwardly sitting on the floor of the bar. I cant figure out what's causing that or how to fix it. We'll see.


I'm finally using a live code editor so you wont see it reflected here, but I feel like I may be learning a few things. I have one math requirement to fill for my degree and I will be taking a CSE class which focuses on CSS, and I think HTML and Javascript. Im really excited about that. Idk what I'm doing and maybe I'm speaking too soon because I havent been doing it long and dont know much, but I kinda feel like I'd really like doing this kind of thing and I wish I'd looked into it and taken some classes earlier on. But I guess I cant fathom how complicated it gets down the road so I dont know if I'd be able to stick with it. Anyway, I'm motivated now because I drew a mockup of my ideal site (within reason, since i cant do anything complicated rn) and I want to figure out how to do it. I just have no time :'(


Havent written anything in a while. I'm not interested in writing anything until I can sit down and properly organize my site. I'm thinking of making the home page simple, with a graphic and minimal text and adding hyperlinks to other pages. ideas so far: self-improvement diary, dream journal, recipes i like, and a page for my art.

made this cursor using aseprite ^^ trying to figure out how to make it work